Yes! finally bought a storybook today using the back-to-school voucher. heh. Since i dun need to use to buy any school shoe, school books or stationeries like during my secondary school days therefore i spent the voucher in buying books instead. =)
Thought of buying one of the Sophie Kinsella new book, but sadly, i've seen none in any of the popular bookstore. Anyway, bought this book intead :)))
Yes! That's right! The Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold
am sooo gonna read it.
It's going to be in major motion picture though. I think they are going to be in the cinema this month or was it in feb? hmmm...idk. But s'okay, i am going to read it and watch it as well.
Okay. Crap. I should get back doing my project now. No, I should rather say at this INSTANT!
And i realised the sensasi channel that my dad is watching right now is such a
ridiculous moronic show. The animation of the werewolfman is so unrealistic. TSK.
Oh. whatever.